"Engineering Research Software" NFDI4Ing Community meets Archetype BETTY

February 27, 2024 (online)

“Engineering Research Software”

NFDI4Ing Community meets Archetype BETTY

under this motto, the first NFDI4Ing Community Meeting of the calendar year will take place on February 27, 2024. The event is aimed at scientists from all communities who are interested in research software. We want to introduce you to innovative tools, services and methods that make it easier for you to find, use and develop research software and handle the associated data and metadata. Organised by Task Area Betty and Community Cluster 45 (Construction engineering and architectur) within NFDI4Ing. The event language is English.

Organised by:

Bernd Flemisch (University of Stuttgart), Jan Linxweiler (TU Braunschweig), Katja Wermbter (TU Braunschweig)

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    Agenda & Abstracts

    27 February 2024

    Download Agenda

    09:00 – 09:10
    Opening & Welcome
    Jan Linxweiler (TU Braunschweig), Bernd Flemisch (Uni Stuttgart)
    09:10 – 10:25
    Applied Continuous Integration, complemented by demonstration of Suresoft
    Abstract TUDA (Maric, Schwarzmeier):

    We will present two CI pipelines in use in our projects. One of them is used in an industrial research project with BOSCH. The other one is used for the development of an ALE-Interface-Tracking framework in OpenFOAM.

    Both CI pipelines use advanced CI possibilities and are geared towards development of sustainable research software. We will talk about the possibilities of CI and the lessons learned from introducing a rigid CI testing approach to an existing complex software.

    Abstract TUBS (Linxweiler, Marcus):

    We will demonstrate the SURESOFT HPC-Workflow that combines the tools Singularity, HPC-Rocket and FieldCompare to enable easy integration of CI pipelines with HPC Clusters with regression testing to ensure reproducible computation results.



    Schwarzmeier, M., Bothe, D., & Marić, T. (2024, Februar 27). Applied CI: an academic OpenFOAM example. NFDI4Ing Community Meeting “Engineering Research Software – The NFDI4Ing Community meets Archetype BETTY”, online. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10714900

    Peters, S., & Marcus, S. (2023). SURESOFT HPC workflow (0.1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7568959

    Tomislav Maric (TU Darmstadt), Moritz Schwarzmeier (TU Darmstadt), Jan Linxweiler (TU Braunschweig), Sven Marcus (TU Braunschweig)
    10:25 – 10:35
    10:35 – 11:05
    Presenting „Betty’s Research Engine“ (NFDI4Ing Service)

    Abstract: Findability of research software is addressed by Betty’s (Re)Search engine, a service that allows users to search for existing research software tailored for specific applications, thereby minimizing duplicate implementation efforts. Recently, the front end of the live instance has been improved and the engine was enhanced by the possibility to export search results into the Open Research Knowledge graph (ORKG). The source code is now publicly hosted at Gitlab and its architecture is explained in detail in a preprint submitted to the Ing.Grid journal, complemented by a tutorial video on YouTube. To this day, the live engine was visited around 15000 times.


    Seibert, Vasiliy (2024): Betty’s Re Search Engine Talk. (Screencast) https://doi.org/10.5446/66914

    Vasiliy Seibert (TU Clausthal)
    11:05 – 11:50
    Presenting „NFDI4Ing JupyterHub“ (NFDI4Ing Service)

    Abstract: The presentation introduces the JupyterHub instance of NFDI4Ing, its current state of development and possible future extensions. Furthermore, we will use examples to present possible applications of the JupyterHub that can be tried out live by the participants.


    Anett Seeland (Uni Stuttgart)
    11:50 – 12:00
    12:00 – 12:30
    Harvester Curator (NFDI4Ing Tool)


    Sarbani Roy (Uni Stuttgart)
    12:30 – 12:50
    Towards Schemas for Reusable Benchmarks (NFDI4Ing Seed Fund)

    Abstract: In fields such as Software Engineering, research contributions often evaluate novel software tools for problems by executing both them and prior tools on the same benchmark. Benchmarks combine data sets with metadata relevant to the tool’s operation, e.g., ground truths. They are usually gathered for each study from informal sources or communityspecific data sets. The absence of format standardization and a clear separation between benchmarks’ data and metadata hinders the reuse of benchmarks, particularly for aspects not anticipated by their authors. We present schemas as a solution. Schemas define a) reusable fundamental data formats and b) more specific metadata formats that can be easily combined with the data and each other. We examined a collection of diverse log files as a case study. To this end, we defined tentative schemas for data and metadata and converted the logs into the format defined by our schemas. The transformation is almost lossless and fully automatable, which shows promise for the approach.

    Simon Dierl (TU Dortmund), Falk Howar (Fraunhofer ISST Dortmund)
    12:50 – 13:00
    Wrap up
    Jan Linxweiler (TU Braunschweig), Bernd Flemisch (Uni Stuttgart)

    Meet the Archetype Betty

    The NFDI4Ing Archetypes represent typical RDM challenges and engineering research profiles. They structure the work programme and task areas of the NFDI4Ing project.

    “Hello, I’m Betty. I’m an engineer and self-taught programmer that develops research software. Very often, this software represents a computational model for the simulation of an engineering application. For validating such a model, I have to compare my results with data such as other simulation data or experimental observations. For this and other purposes, I also write code for analysing and converting research data. My software usually has a lot of dependencies in form of the operating system and third-party libraries. While I’m very keen on guaranteeing the reproducibility of my computational results, I can’t dedicate too much working time to achieve this. My professional background can be located in any engineering discipline.”

    Registration & Contact

    The event is free to attend. However, we kindly ask you to register. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions.


    Jan Linxweiler

    Universitätsbibliothek Braunschweig
    Universitätsplatz 1
    38106 Braunschweig

    Telephone and fax

    Telefon: +49(0)531 391 5026

    Fax: +49(0)531 391 5836